We're gearing up for next season and that means it's time to come up with a new tag design. Have a great idea for next year's tags? If so, submit it before the end of November as part of our tag design contest. If the Board chooses your idea you'll get your 2018 NoCo membership fee covered plus a free entry to the NoCo event of your choice!
Submit your graphic in production quality (or as close as possible) by sending it to info@nocodiscgolf.com. The final design should incorporate the club name ("NoCo Disc Golf"), the year ("2018") and enough space for up to a three-digit number. The tags are normally about the size of a large keychain. If you come up with something creative that doesn't adhere to these guidelines we'll still consider it, so don't hesitate to send it in.
Thanks for your support and good luck!
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